Step 1: Set up an account
To set up an account you have two options:
- Register for an Account
- Go to the login page and click the "Register for an Account" link.
- Fill in the User Profile form with your details and click submit.
- This will create a new account for you and display a new tab in the menu bar called "My Account". Click this tab to access your account details.
- Login via Facebook (you will need to already have a Facebook account
- Go to the login page and click the "Login via Facebook" link.
- Enter your Facebook username and password and give permission for MHCC to receive your details from Facebook.
- This will take you to the User Profile form where you will need to finish completing your details and click submit.
- For more information about using the Facebook login please see the FAQ's
Step 2: Purchasing your course, resource or toolkit
- Add the product you would like to purchase to your shopping cart
- Browse our products.
- Choose a product to purchase and on the right hand side enter the quantity then click Add.
- Keep shopping until you have added all the products you would like to purchase and then go to your Cart.
- Checkout
- Check your items are correct and then click next.
- Login (if required) and check your details are correct before continuing.
- Review your order and if you have a discount code enter the details and click Apply to add your discount then click next.
- Pay via PayPal
- You will be transferred to PayPal's secure site to complete the payment.
- If you have a PayPal account you can login or you can choose to pay by Credit Card.
- Once payment is complete you will be transferred back to our site and the product will be added to your account files.
Step 3: Accessing your files
- Go to the "My Account" tab in the menu bar.
- Click "View Files and Training".
- Find the product you would like to view and on the right click the "View Files/Launch Training" link.
- Enjoy your your course, resource or toolkit.
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